BBQ special order

Can be prepared in the oven with smoked meat and fish products, as well as an exquisite barbecue can be prepared in the oven. Food excellent ripening provides an innovative oven - hot base height adjustment lever. Heat pan height adjustment lets you change the temperature of the meat functioning. For example, it is possible to change the temperature of meat you grill the meat first, and then let the pores stick to scorch the bake at a low temperature and as a result of their meat "juices" and will be completed in the flesh is soft and "juicy". It also allows for a smaller increase in the base amount of hot food preparation, or use less charcoal for the latter than for coal heat begins to fall.

Heat pan-raising can also change the smoking barbecue to a product with a functioning smoke and heat effects.

The oven can also be used koldeosa cookers.

At the bottom of the oven is made of 4-5 mm thick steel plates or the bottom of the hot bases. Heat Of levers are adjustable in height. It comes with a water bath (the smoking process raise the humidity). Oven is 3mm 20x20 mm square terasrestid. The smoke stack snap is adjustable feet near the firing chamber. Chimneys are removable and made of sheet metal roof.

BBQ chamber (smoke chamber) * length of 1120 mm, diameter 410 mm, metal thickness of 4 mm.

The depth of the furnace of 420 mm, diameter 300 mm, made of 4-5 mm thick metal. Malmrest the bottom of the ash tray.

Oven removed from the height of the chimney pipes * 1030 mm, with chimney pipes * 1910 mm, the length of the oven * 1760 mm * Width 800-850 mm (overall dimensions may differ from those listed approximately 5% respectively).


* Precise measurements accord


ORDER also possible to produce according to customer requirements!